Friday, March 4, 2011

Our new arrival!!!


Jessica and Danny said...

Congrats! We're so excited for you!

telisha said...

Wow Klysta, that was quite the ordeal. You are quite the champ just to wait 41 weeks 4 days for him, and then go thru 27 something hours of labor. Wowwie wow. Cute name. Hope things are coming into routine for you now!

Jed and Aubrey said...

WOWW! I'm sooo impressed! way to go klysta! Thanks for the post, and for the pictures. you have a real cutie!

When I'm ready (hahha) to have another one, I'll give you a call! I really want to have a natural birth!

You're awesome Klys! miss you!

Becca said...

Wow! Did you like the natural route? Would you do it again? I must admit my labors were nothing like that. You are amazing!
Hope all continues to go well for you guys. I can't wait to meet the little guy.

Princess Di said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Princess Di said...

Sorry about that previous comment. I had a typing error so I deleted the comment. I'm going to try again! Congratulations Klysta & Dave! You will be the best parents! I'm so happy for you. Being a parent, in my opinion, is the best thing ever! We miss & love you guys!

The Lindes said...

Hi guys! Congratulations on the safe arrival of Jackson! And you make me feel like a whimp! I can't believe you went naturally!! You're amazing Klysta!
